This art show has been canceled. We will be featuring a selection of Clement Gelly’s work on our online Journal soon. Stay tuned!
Join us as we celebrate the opening of Clement Gelly’s art show “Salvation, Mongolian Highway,” which be on display up on the mezzanine for the months of June and July. This event will be free and open to the public.
Clement Gelly is an artist based in London, England. His practice comes at the intersection of creative writing, visual art, and ethnographic research. “Salvation, Mongolian Highway,” the body of work on display, imagines a not-so-distant future in which a Buddhist temple might signify itself with an LED sign. The project is a collaboration with Mongolian artists O. Myagmadorj and N. Bayartugs, and explores Mongolian Buddhism, electricity, and futurism. In the summer of 2019, Clement constructed a 5-by-5-foot LED sculpture of a traditional Mongolian Buddhist dance mask and flew with it to Mongolia. Myagmadorj, Bayartugs, and Clement then photographed the neon mask alongside the highways that run through the steppe. The visual palette of the photographs is informed by the LED-lit rest stops of the Mongolian highway as well as the neon crosses and crucifixes of the American West.