Join us for a special Storytime with local author J. Robin Albertson-Wren, who will be sharing activities from her book Mindfulness for Kids. Recommended for children age 6–10.
Mindfulness for Kids is written for children and their caregivers. These fifteen stories and thirty engaging mindfulness activities bring mindfulness practices into daily life to help handle emotions and situations at home, at school, and with friends. J. Robin Albertson-Wren has developed these activities out of her mindfulness work with clients, students, and their families, and with guidance and inspiration from hundreds of educators around the world. The Children’s Book Review found Mindfulness for Kids “a meaningful and actionable resource that encourages self-awareness, kindness, and compassion in ways that children can easily relate” and classified it as highly recommended.
J. Robin Albertson-Wren has been teaching elementary age children for over twenty years in Charlottesville, Virginia. She is a classroom teacher, workshop leader, author, and public speaker. Her passion is teaching mindfulness techniques to executives, educators, parents, adolescents, and children. She has presented “Mindfulness in Schools—Educating and Empowering Our Children” to many local, statewide and national audiences. She received her mindfulness training through Mindful Schools, and completed a year-long certification course with 100 other people across the globe. Robin loves exploring ways that children can focus their bodies and minds in order to get the most out of an academic setting, social situation, or emotional overwhelm.