Join us as we celebrate the release of the seventeenth volume of American Fiction, featuring Kathleen Ford’s short story “Shabbos Goy,” a story set in 1953 at the time of the Rosenberg spy trial and executions. This event will be free and open to the public.
Kathleen Ford has published over forty short stories in both commercial and literary magazines. Her work has appeared in Redbook, Yankee, Ladies Home Journal, and Woman’s World, and in Antioch, VQR, The Sewanee Review, The Southern Review, The North American Review, and elsewhere. “Man on the Run,” a story first published in The New England Review, was anthologized in The Best American Mystery Stories 2012. Kathleen’s first novel was published by St. Martin’s Press and two of her stories have won PEN Awards for Syndicated Fiction. Kathleen has received a Christopher Isherwood Prize and a Hackney Literary Award.