
If you would like to purchase a gift card, or if your order is highly time-sensitive, please call the shop at 434-295-2552, and one of our booksellers will guide you through your order. At this time, we are only able to sell gift cards over the phone.

Online Orders

To order books online, please let us know which title(s) you would like to order, as well as the name of the author(s), using the contact form on this page. Please be patient as we respond to each order individually. Your order, once fulfilled, will be available for in-store pickup or shipping (available to US customers only). If you would like your order to be shipped, you will be charged an additional cost for shipping (see below).

Shipping Rates

Orders shipping to Virginia: $12.00
Orders shipping outside of Virginia (within the US): $15.00
Orders over $100, shipping to one address within the US: Free

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