Join us for the release of Caroline Brae’s new poetry collection, When Grey Turns Blue. Poet Hiram Larew will kick off the evening, followed by a reading from Caroline Brae. This event will be free and open to the public.
When Grey Turns Blue follows Caroline Brae’s first poetic endeavor, Little Grey Bird. Her down-to-earth style continues to focus on contemplations of life’s journey from loss to love and heartache to healing. This book is not a political commentary. It is an expression of “finding her social conscience, once again among wilted flowers.” An eternal optimist, her message is one of stepping forward despite all odds. Caroline’s poetry can be found at vox poetica, The Sock Poetry Series at WINLifeTV, and on Instagram @carolinebraebird, where she combines her poetry and photography.
Hiram Larew’s poems have appeared recently in Voices of Israel, The New Oxford, Words for the Wild, Contemporary American Voices, The Wild Word, Honest Ulsterman, and elsewhere. His fourth collection, Undone, was issued in 2018 from FootHills Publishing. Nominated for four Pushcarts and winner of the Louisiana Literature Poetry Prize, he has received support from the Prince George’s Arts and Humanities Council for The Poetry Poster Project as well as a Creativity Grant from the Maryland State Arts Council for his Poetry X Hunger initiative. He’s a global hunger specialist, and lives in Upper Marlboro, MD.