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Join us for the next installment of the Charlottesville Reading Series, featuring Elizabeth Lindsey Rogers, Michael Collier, and Jane Alison. This event will be free and open to the public.
Elizabeth Lindsey Rogers is the author of two poetry collections: The Tilt Torn Away from the Seasons (Acre Books, 2020), a Rumpus Book Club pick, and Chord Box (University of Arkansas Press, 2013), a finalist for the Lambda Literary Award. Her nonfiction can also be found in The Best American Nonrequired Reading, The Best American Travel Writing, The Missouri Review, Prairie Schooner, and elsewhere. A former Kenyon Review Fellow, she has taught creative writing widely, most recently at Hendrix College, where she was the Murphy Visiting Fellow in English. She lives in Washington, DC, with her wife and son.
Michael Collier has published seven poetry collections, most recently, My Bishop and Other Poems, as well as a translation of Euripides’s Medea and a volume of essays, Make Us Wave Back. The recipient of an Award in Literature from the American Academy of Arts and Letters and fellowships from the NEA and Guggenheim Foundation, he teaches at the University of Maryland and is a former director of the Bread Loaf Writers’ Conferences.
Jane Alison is the author of a memoir, The Sisters Antipodes, and four novels—The Love-Artist, The Marriage of the Sea, Natives and Exotics, and Nine Island—and is also the translator of Ovid’s stories of sexual transformation, Change Me. Her most recent book, Meander, Spiral, Explode: Design and Pattern in Narrative, was listed as a Best of 2019 book by The Atlantic Monthly, Mother Jones, Publishers Weekly, Poets & Writers, Book Riot, and others. She is a professor of creative writing at the University of Virginia and lives in Charlottesville. Find out more at janealisonauthor.com.