Join us for First Fridays as we celebrate the art of Susan Patrick, whose work will be on display up on the mezzanine for the month of March. In this show, titled “Debris,” Susan Patrick will be presenting new multi-media drawings and watercolor paintings. This event is free and open to the public.
From the artist:
Debris is a collection of multi-media drawings and watercolor paintings of small, discarded objects found on pavement, dirt, lawn, and sand. Bottle caps, earrings, leaves, paper clips, gum wrappers, shells—all and more served useful purposes, and then didn’t, and were discarded.
I chose these little things from the ground, arranged them, photographed them, and drew. I drew each object with graphite and ink, drawings on top of drawings, letting singular items enlarge and shrink, joining each other. Images have drifted from the object (common, familiar) to abstract to non-objective, more about line, shape, and material. These pieces have a hint of object, but they are very much otherwise.
Larger paintings were begun with graphite and ink. Every object is drawn three times and then parts are enhanced with watercolor paint. White spaces become positive spaces along with the nearby colored shapes. The entirety is vital. All drawings and paintings were embellished lastly with black dots, bringing energy from the shapes into the open spaces, making entire surfaces lively.
These formerly useful objects serve us again, in a new capacity. They remind us of their purpose as well as their interesting designs.
For more details, visit artbysusanpatrick.com.