Join us for First Fridays as we celebrate the art of The Fiber and Stitch Art Collective, whose work will be on display up on the mezzanine for the month of February. The theme of the show will be “Metamorphosis.”
Metamorphosis is a word that conjures change, growth and movement. By definition, it refers to “the process of transformation from an immature form to an adult form in two or more distinct stages,” such as in insects and amphibians. Change of form or shape, movement, spiritual growth, emotional change, transformation—these things can be positive or negative; it can be sudden or slow. Transformation can occur from natural processes or by magic or divine intervention. The changes can be toward strength and health or can be toward illness or decay. In literature, humans have been transformed into many types of other objects or animals. It is a tool to understand identity and the human condition. The Fiber and Stitch Art Collective reflects on all of these ideas through their work in their February show.
The Fiber and Stitch Art Collective is a group of central Virginia artists based in Charlottesville and loosely affiliated with the national organization Studio Art Quilt Associates (SAQA). They meet monthly to discuss art and the history of art quilting, and also to offer each other support and critique as they grow as artists. They exchange ideas and guidance, as well as teaching new techniques to each other through hands-on activities. Additionally, The Fiber and Stitch Art Collective aims to provide people in central Virginia with an opportunity to experience the diversity of art quilts and the unique use of fiber and other forms of stitch art.