Join us for a reading with Jocelyn Johnson (The Best American Short Stories 2018) and Kembrew McLeod (The Downtown Pop Underground). This event will be free and open to the public.
Jocelyn Johnson’s work has been anthologized in The Best American Short Stories 2018, guest edited by Roxane Gay, and was nominated for a Pushcart Prize. Her stories placed first at Prime Number Magazine and in the Richard Bausch Story Contest at Our Stories. Jocelyn’s fiction and essays have appeared in Guernica, Literary Mama, Jane’s stories, Storyglossia, and elsewhere. Jocelyn teaches art to public school children in Charlottesville, Virginia. For more information, visit jocelynjohnson.com.
Kembrew McLeod is the award-winning author of several books. His writing has been featured in The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, The Washington Post, Rolling Stone, Slate, and Salon. His most recent book is The Downtown Pop Underground (Abrams, 2018), and in 2016 Bloomsbury published McLeod’s book on Blondie’s Parallel Lines in its 33 1/3 series. He has also produced three documentaries about popular music that have screened at many festivals, and Copyright Criminals debuted on PBS’s Emmy Award-winning Independent Lens series. Freedom of Expression® was a companion to McLeod’s book of the same name—which won the American Library Association’s Oboler book award for “best scholarship in the area of intellectual freedom.” (Photo by Lisa Jane Persky)