The Charlotteville Reading Series hosts writers Rob Shapiro and Caitlin Fitzpatrick. Free and open to the public.
Rob Shapiro received an MFA from the University of Virginia where he was awarded the Academy of American Poets Prize. His work has previously appeared or is forthcoming in The Southern Review, Michigan Quarterly Review, River Styx, Blackbird, and Prairie Schooner among other journals. He lives in Charlottesville, Virginia and teaches at James Madison University.
Caitlin Fitzpatrick holds an MFA from the University of Virginia. Her fiction has appeared or is forthcoming in The Kenyon Review Online, West Branch, Denver Quarterly, and The Colorado Review. She was the winner of the 2015 Driftless Prize from Devil’s Lake, a finalist in Black Warrior Review’s 2017 fiction contest, and the recipient of a Peter Taylor Fellowship from The Kenyon Review.