Join us as we celebrate the release of Phil Williams’s book Turkey and America: East & West – Where the Twain Meet. A signing will follow. This event will be free and open to the public.
Turkey and America: East & West – Where the Twain Meet is a synthesis of Phil Williams’s lifetime of personal and professional experiences, which have led to his deep understanding of the American Experience, the Mediterranean World, and U.S.-Turkish relations. The narrative guides the audience to bridges where others may see only chasms. Oh, there are chasms for sure. The reader is transported, back and forth, from East to West, across the centuries. Turkey and America juxtaposes geography and discovery, politics and war, religion and the arts, terrorism, key figures, and human triumphs. The goal of the journey is a better appreciation for the nature of both historic and current controversies, and the under-recognized, extraordinary contributions that lie at the heart of the East-West dynamic. This book seeks to decode some of the presumptions and misconceptions that tend to become the prisms through which both individual and state perceptions are filtered and pose as “the truth.” These truths, like beauty, tend to vary in the eyes of the beholder.
Dr. Henry “Phil” Williams III is currently an adjunct professor at the Institute of World Politics in Washington. He has received degrees and diplomas from Culver Military Academy, the Universities of Virginia, Edinburgh, and Florence, as well as a PhD in International Law and Diplomacy from the Fletcher School at Tufts University. He has worked in four foreign languages and has spent more than ten years of his life studying the Mediterranean, including stints in Turkey doing doctoral research, investment banking, and university-level teaching.