This will be a virtual event. More information, including how to register via Zoom, will be available on the Community MLK Celebration website here.
Please join in on the 2021 Community Read by reading Where Do We Go From Here: Chaos or Community? (1967) by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. There will be a virtual panel discussion of the Community Read via Zoom on Monday, January 25, at 6 PM.
FREE books are available at the following locations:
New Dominion Bookshop (free copies all claimed)
JMRL Central
JMRL Northside
JMRL Crozet
JMRL Gordon
Yancey Community Center
Jefferson School, Room 129
UVA Multicultural Student Center
About the Book: In 1967, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., isolated himself from the demands of the civil rights movement, rented a house in Jamaica with no telephone, and labored over his final manuscript. In this prophetic work, which has been unavailable for more than ten years, he lays out his thoughts, plans, and dreams for America’s future, including the need for better jobs, higher wages, decent housing, and quality education. With a universal message of hope that continues to resonate, King demanded an end to global suffering, asserting that humankind—for the first time—has the resources and technology to eradicate poverty.
Featured Panelists for the Virtual Discussion:
Laila Barnes: Student, Albemarle High School
Brenda Brown-Grooms: Co-Pastor and Bible Teacher, New Dominion Christian Community Church; Performance Artist and Writer
Kevin K. Gaines, PhD: Julian Bond Professor of Civil Rights and Social Justice, Corcoran Department of History and the Carter G. Woodson Institute for African American and African Studies, UVA
Sandra Jones: Reverend, Williams Chapel AME Zion Church, Big Stone Gap, VA; UVA-Wise MLK Jr. Community Celebration Coordinator
Nikuyah Walker: Mayor, City of Charlottesville
Charles Lewis and Maxicelia Robsinson: Hosts, “In My Humble Opinion,” 101JAMZ
Co-sponsored by the UVA Division for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion; the UVA Wise Office of Compliance; and New Dominion Bookshop.